tel. + 48 61 852 42 41/42
e-mail: theater[at]ptt-poznan.pl
address : 8 Taczaka Street, 61-818 Poznań
Website availability
Polish Dance Theater undertakes to ensure the accessibility of its website in accordance with the provisions of the Act of April 4, 2019 on digital accessibility of websites and mobile applications of public entities.
The accessibility declaration applies to the ptt-poznan.pl website
.Dates of publication and updates
Date of website publication: 2020-09-23 Date of last major update: 2022-01-05.
Status in terms of compliance with the law
The website is partially compliant with the Law of April 4, 2019 on digital accessibility of websites and mobile applications of public entities due to incompatibilities or exclusions listed below.
Inaccessible elements and content:
.- Some of the speech videos do not have subtitles for the deaf. We are working on them.
- There is no contact form on the website. You can contact the Theater by writing to the email address or calling.
- Archived documents published on the website before September 23, 2018 are not available. We have no legal obligation to adapt these documents. If you need access to them, please contact us indicating which documents and how we should adapt.
Date of declaration
and method of assessing digital accessibility
Date of declaration: 2020-09-23.
Declaration was prepared on the basis of a self-assessment conducted by a public entity.
Date of last review of the declaration: 2023-01-09.
Keyboard shortcuts
The website can use standard keyboard shortcuts.
.Feedback and contact information
In case of problems with the accessibility of the website, please contact us. The contact person is Justyna Molik, email: teatr@ptt-poznan.pl. You can also be contacted by calling +48 61 858 04 60. The same route can be used to submit requests for inaccessible information and to submit requests to ensure accessibility.
In the request, please provide:
.- your name,
- your contact information (e.g., phone number, e-mail),
- the exact address of the website where the inaccessible item or content is,
- a description of what the problem is and what method of solving it would be most convenient for you.
Handling requests and complaints related to accessibility
We will respond to requests promptly, no later than 7 days after receipt. In the case of submissions requiring a longer period of time, we will set a new deadline, which will be no longer than 2 months.
If we are unable to provide access to the digital website or content specified in the submission, we will offer access to it.
If we are unable to ensure the availability of the digital website or content, as specified in the request, we will offer to access it by an alternative means.
If a public entity refuses to implement a request to provide accessibility or an alternative way of accessing information, the requester may file a complaint about the provision of accessibility of a digital website, mobile application or an element of the website or mobile application. After exhausting the procedure indicated above, a request can also be submitted to the Ombudsman for Civil Rights.
.Mobile applications
We do not run mobile applications. Our website is also available on mobile devices.
.Architectural accessibility of the building
Polish Dance Theatre in Poznan
The main entrance to the building is located on the side of 8 Taczaka St. The entrance is open to the public during the working hours of the Theater, i.e. from Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and at least one hour before an event organized by the Theater. It is also possible to enter from the side of Kosciuszko Street (opening by the facility's security guards after prior telephone information).
.There are spaces for vehicles of persons with disabilities at Stanislaw Taczak Street (including one located at the entrance to the facility)
.People with disabilities have the opportunity to park at the courtyard on the side of Kosciuszko Street, where there is access (no architectural barriers) to the Large studio (via elevator for people with special needs) and to level 0 (Small studio, foyer, toilets, including for people with special needs). Parking space is made available by the facility's security, with prior contact by phone, in person or by email.
Stanislaw Taczak Street is lined with large paving slabs without architectural barriers, with traffic calming (sign D-40 - residential zone, available for all traffic participants: pedestrians, cyclists, drivers; pedestrians have priority).
Access to the entrance of the Theater is convenient: the door to the Theater is at street level, free of horizontal and vertical barriers. The entrance door is about 2 meters wide, and does not automatically open, with a 24-hour security guard right at the entrance (level 0), to the left, who can support a person with special needs and provide information, including the layout of the premises, at any time.
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All doors in the Theater are at least 90 cm wide and can be opened without force. The width of corridors and passageways is at least 90 cm. There are placards at each room indicating its purpose.
Behind the gate passage on level 0 is a spacious foyer with toilets: women's, men's and for people with special needs and a changing table. Wheelchair access is provided.
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Behind the foyer is the Small Studio with an elevator (180-degree pass-through, LED lighting, alarm button, fan, light curtain) for people with special needs (no architectural barriers, convex Braille buttons with floor and alarm markings) leading directly to the Large Studio (level 1), where we provide space for up to 20 people with mobility disabilities.
Theater's Large Studio is equipped with an induction loop system to minimize acoustic disturbance for hearing-impaired people who use hearing aids, working perfectly in front of the stage and in the first two rows. The presence of the loop is indicated by signage placed at the entrance to the auditorium - a plaque with the international symbol indicating the presence of the induction loop and the message "Induction loop Switch hearing aid to telecoil T" - and by the rows of seats where the system works best.
- On level 0 - behind the security room (gatehouse) - there is an elevator (90-degree pass-through, LED lighting, alarm button, fan, light curtain) for people with special needs (no architectural barriers, convex buttons with floor and alarm markings in Braille), which leads to all levels of the Theater located in the building (from level -1 to level 4) for authorized persons (customers, performers, Theater employees).
Premises located in the tenement accessible to persons with special needs:
.- Cafeteria premises (level P - high first floor) with a staircase platform for persons with mobility disabilities; staff are trained to use this device;
- Conference room (level P - high first floor) and premises on levels 1 to 4 without architectural barriers (via elevator);
- In addition, on level + 3 and + 4, toilets adapted for persons with special needs, equipped with a paging system. - .
The building can be entered with an assistance dog and a guide dog.
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- The key areas of the facility, from the point of view of the function they serve, are adequately illuminated, i.e. in accordance with PN-EN 12464-1:2012.
- The building's lighting is also properly illuminated, i.e. in accordance with PN-EN 12464-1:2012.
The building has a sound and light emergency notification system. The event staff knows the rules for evacuating people with special needs.