50 Years of the Polish Dance Theater. One can feel justifiable pride when reading these words. Even more dignified is the word HALF-YEARS. In this one word are hidden the flow of time, the mark of antiquity, the reflection of history, measured by centuries.

Such an important anniversary cannot be celebrated for one day or one evening. Too much would come to be lost from the stream of events and the journey through the past time.

This is why we have programmed a whole season of anniversary events - a whole range of artistic experiences - each of which will evoke in a different way what has passed, intermingling and merging into a common current with the present.

We are keen to expose the wealth of perspectives from which one can retrospectively look at a place brimming with creative energy, geared toward experimentation and creative risk. Hence the multiplicity of events, the interdisciplinarity, the collision of words, film, body expression and visual arts. Taking part in the Dancing histor(y)ies project, we are aware of how much it binds the local community, though also the international community, to have a common cultural heritage.

There are some special NUMBERS that we would like to highlight in a special way.

50, because we are 50 years old. 12, because September 12, 1973 was the inauguration of the Polish Dance Theater. 1, as every first day of the month - the day of opening of successive exhibitions, revealing snippets of the theatrical - and not only - activities of the Polish Dance Theater. 10 - as there will be 10 author's meetings of Slawomir Pietras - co-founder and first deputy director of the Polish Dance Theater - under the common title "Characters of the 50th anniversary of the Polish Dance Theater". 1, 1 and 180, like "1 page - 1 look - 180 seconds". - the name of the multimedia competition - a creative impulse for our Audience, whom we hope to inspire not only with the number "50", but also with the idiom "Man - a living record".

Theater Jubilee is about time, space and people. However, it is mainly people who will be the protagonists of our birthday celebration. Their memories, emotions and stirrings, traces of past events. Their living presence. And memory, which, being only a subjective record of what has been experienced, arouses curiosity about what others have experienced.

If there is a clash of several different memories of the same event in one space and time during our anniversary meetings, so much the better.


We want to confront what is not our own and share what is our own.

Experience our memory and the memory of others.

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