August 7
19:00 + conversation with the director
Polish Dance Theater

What if we are here to dream about love? How does love exist in us on a visual level? What if what can save us is love?

"unstable worlds: dream about love. love is the dream" is an experimental dance performance coexisting with choreographed lights and an experimental soundtrack, which was born out of a desire to see the collective body in the perspective of a dream, a desire to meet in radical slow motion and a desire to understand and grasp the social power of love.


directed by: Misia Zurek

dancers: Agata Rutkowska, Wiktoria Sobota, Agnieszka Gębala, Dagmara Plenzler, Aleksandra Jóźwiak, Alicja Weisskopf, Ania Prętka

music: Botond Bartokos


light direction: Michal Stenzel


graphics: Zuzanna Jankowiak

Misia Zurek - dancer, performance artist, experimental anthropologist. For the last two years she studied at two universities in two different countries simultaneously - in Estonia MA in Contemporary Physical Performance Making and in Poland MA in MISHiSu (Interdisciplinary Individual Studies in the Humanities and Social Sciences) with anthropology as her major. He works mainly with the matter of performance, on the edge of skill and its lack, improvisation and choreography. She explores the themes of score and world-making. Her main interests are cohabitation, collective inhabitation, anthropology of care, new materialism, naturocultures, magic, speculative storytelling, remixing and recycling. She has performed at various festivals such as Malta Festival, Festival Fama, Short Waves Festival, and with various collectives such as Young Movement Theater and Common Collectiv. She has conducted movement workshops in Berlin, Budapest, Paris and Poznań.


Reservation of free tickets:

Number of places limited.

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