1987/88 season

Różalski's season

Following the resignation of Conrad Drzewiecki
as director, the management of the Polish Dance Theater was entrusted to Miroslaw Różalski, Conrad Drzewiecki's assistant, for the 1987/88 season.

A graduate of the State Ballet School in Poznań under Olga Slawska-Lipczynska
in the class of Barbara Kasprowicz and Teresa Kujawa. In 1969-74 he studied at the ballet master and pedagogical department at the Institute of Theater Art in Moscow.


He starts working at the Polish Dance Theater under Conrad Drzewiecki's management in 1973
(while still a student), and after graduation he works here from 1974-1988.He is a pedagogue and ballet master. He is the first choreographer to come from the theater's ensemble.

With Conrad Drzewiecki, she still works at the Poznań Opera as a student of the school, performing in his ballets "Improvisations to Shakespeare" and "Music on Water." In 1986, he creates his first choreography at PTT - "Vortex", and in 1987 - "Party". During his term as director, he creates another ballet, "In the Shadow".

From 1988 to 1995, he directs the ballet company of the Grand Theater in Poznan. He creates new ballets and collaborates with drama theaters and television. From 1997 to 2000, he directs the ballet company of the Castle Opera in Szczecin. Composes new ballets and directs.


He worked at the General Ballet School in Poznań from 1974 to 1980, then served as artistic director here from 2000 to 2007, and as school director from 2007 to 2022. For two terms he was a member of the Council for Artistic Education at the Minister of Culture and National Heritage. Awarded by the Minister and the director of the Center for Art Education.


Among his alumni are winners of national dance competitions. In 2015, his student Viktoria Nowak won the Best Ballet School Graduate competition, the Young Dancer of the Year 2015 competition of TVP Kultura and the Eurovision Contest.

The competition was held in the city of Warsaw.

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