Creative Laboratories - choreographic film workshop
July 20 - 25, 2023

For whom: Beginning filmmakers interested in issues of cinematography, editing and post-production in the context of the choreographic film genre. Age: 16+


When? July 20-25, 2023, 10 am - 6 pm (including a one-hour lunch break)


Where? Polish Dance Theater, 8 Taczaka Street, Poznań


How to apply? By completing the application form by June 30, 2023.
Link to form:


Participants will be informed of the results of the call by email (within 7 days of the end of the call).


Participation in the workshop is FREE. The number of places is limited.


Choreographic film projects are still a new issue. The July workshop aims to introduce participants to the genre in the context of the creative process. Experts will be experts in the field of filmmaking, including choreographic film projects:

Ignacy Ciunelis - born 23.05.1994, in 2021 graduated from Film Editing at the Film and Television Directing Department of the Polish National Film, Television and Theatre School in Lodz with a Master of Arts degree. Editor, filmmaker, performer, co-founder of the Great Sludge held in Warsaw's Praga district since 2020. His work to date includes a number of short forms, including music videos featuring dance choreography - Ana Andrzejewska's award-winning "Haska," "Returns" by the Kozyrska x Sieczak team, or "Treasure" by Penelov. Also worth mentioning are the experimental projects "Acting, First Lessons" realized by Piotr Glowacki at AT in Warsaw, or the impressionistic account of the performance "FoMaTi" (Folded Maps of Time by Mark Chłoniewski and Chris Cutler realized within the framework of Theatramatics in Lviv in 2019). In 2019, as part of the inter-university Erasmus+ project "Open innovative resources for filmmaking education and training", together with Marcin Wojciechowski, he was responsible for the realization of exercise material devoted to the issue of space in the language of film and editing. The workshop participants were editing students from the Film School in Lodz, Akademie Muzickych Umeni V Praze (Czech Republic), Sveuciliste U Zagrebu Akademija Dramske Umjetnosti (Croatia) and Vysoka Skola Múzických Umení V Bratislave (Slovakia). This year's Krakow Film Festival will see the premiere, edited by him in duo with Jakub Didkowski, of Michal Toczek's directorial diploma titled "To Be Someone. "To Be Someone."

Natalia Jacheć - graduated in 2021 with a degree in film editing from the Department of Directing at the L.Schiller National Higher School of Film, Television and Theater in Lodz. Since the 2020/2021 academic year, she has been teaching the first and second year of editing at the Film School in Lodz. Also since the 2021/2022 academic year, she is a doctoral student with a specialization in film editing at the PWSFTviT. In 2020, she participated in the European Editing Masterclass in Prague FAMU workshop. Among other things, she edited the documentary "How to swim so as not to drown" (directed by Anna Pawluczuk), which was at festivals such as the Youth and Film Festival, Minsk International Film Festival Listapad and the 60th Krakow Film Festival. In 2020 she edited a documentary titled. "In Consent," which also premiered at the 60th Krakow Film Festival. In 2021, she edited the film "The Waiting Room," directed by Aleksandra Folczak. This film won the Grand Prix at the Loving Man festival and the main prize at the 27th NURT 2021 Festival of Documentary Forms. She is currently in the process of editing two feature-length films ("RDDS," directed by Aniela Gabryel and "Scream," directed by Ewa Wikiel) and a feature-length documentary film "Pastor," directed by Marcin Jamkowski.

Marek Grabowski - cinematographer. He studied at the Academy of Film and Television in Warsaw. For years he has been working professionally as a cinematographer and commercial photographer. He is the cinematographer of award-winning documentaries and feature films such as Father's Day, The Rite of Spring, directed by Edyta Pietrowska, The Game, On the Tower of Babel, directed by Maria Wróż-Prusiewicz, the film Fragment and the documentary film Strength, directed by Mirosław Mamczur. Co-author of cinematography for the film "Pre Mortem" directed by Konrad Łęcki, His films won awards and were presented at the Feature Film Festival in Gdynia, Norway RIFF : R.E.D., Mexico Muestra Movimiento Audiovisual in Guadalajara, Venice 6th International Meeting on Video-dance and Video- performance, Camerimage and Cannes. Image creation of award-winning choreographic films "Initiation", "Brzemię", "Toporiel", "Ta Mara", "Zielnik", "Beast" in cooperation with the Polish Dance Theater.

Miroslaw Felix Mamczur - screenwriter, director, cinematographer and film editor with 17 years of professional experience. Studied directing at the Wajda School (DOK PRO) and Implementation of Film and Television Image in Lodz, Poland. Winner of the FFD award in Gliwice in the category of best cinematography and repeatedly nominated for film awards. Implementation and post-production of award-winning choreographic films "Initiation", "Brzemię", "Toporzeł", "Ta Mara", "Zielnik", "Bestia" in cooperation with the Polish Dance Theater.

The choreographic material, which - under the supervision of the presenters - will be recorded by the workshop participants, will be prepared by the international collective LEDA.


In 2017, the Polish Dance Theater launched choreographic film projects. By 2022, 5 titles have been created, which are in great demand at international festivals and have repeatedly been among the winners. "Initiation" (2017), with mesmerizing music by Jack Sienkiewicz and ascetic set design by Andrzej Grabowski, received, among others, the Lynch Award for Best Artistic Film at the Austin Arthouse Film Festival, the Best of Fest Grand Prize at the Arts Triangle Dance Film Festival in Dallas, the Best Foreign Film Grand Prize at the 3. Mexico City Videodance Festival, and first prize in the video - art category at the 8th On Art Film Festival 2019. Another title, "Belief" (2018) was inspired by Sophia Stryjeńska's painting "Seasons. November - December (Korowód I - with a deer)," and grew out of her fascination with the fabulously colorful Polish and Hutsul folk culture. "Toporul" was created in 2019, followed by the following realizations: "Ta Mara" (2020) and "Herbarium" (2021). These two titles were co-produced with the Adam Mickiewicz Institute. The latest choreographed film project titled. "The Beast" premiered on December 18, 2022. The author of the scripts and director of the choreographed film projects is PTT director Ivona Pasinskaya.

Polish Dance Theater announces a call for applications for choreographic film workshops conducted under the Creative Laboratories program.

Participants will be able to learn about issues related to, among other things:

  • the preparation of motion pictures,
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  • principles of motion filming,
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  • editing,
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  • post-production.
  • .

Polish Dance Theater will provide workshop participants with:

  • RED camera
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  • A 24" iMac computer with full video editing software
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  • Lunch
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Note: Workshop participants must have their own laptop running DaVinci Resolve software. Your own camera/camcorder to capture footage will also be useful.


  • I day - theoretical classes (cinematography issues) + start of film footage recording
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  • II and III day - continuation of registration of footage
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  • IV day - editing (theoretical classes + practical classes)
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  • V day - continuation of practical classes in editing
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  • VI day - postproduction (theoretical classes + practical classes), summary and discussion of the effects of the workshop
  • .

Supported by funds from the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage from the Fund for the Promotion of Culture - state purpose fund.

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Subsidized by funds from the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage from the Fund for Promotion of Culture - a state purpose fund.
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