Great news from Zamosc has reached us!

The jury of the 22nd Festival of Polish Television Theater and Polish Radio Theater in Zamosc "Two Theaters" awarded prizes for the best television and radio plays. The Grand Prix for best play was awarded to "Judas of Carioth" by Karol Hubert Roztworowski, directed by Igor Gorzkowski. The play, produced by a director and playwright who has worked with our Theater many times, features artists from the Polish Dance Theater (PTT).

Igor Gorzkowski is the director and playwright of PTT's productions "Harvest" (2017) or "Polka" (2018). Realized with PTT, "Kurka Wodna albo urojenie", choreographed by Iwona Pasinska, received 3 awards during the 46th Opole Theater Confrontations / VII Final of the Competition for the Staging of Old Works of Polish Literature "Classics Alive". The jury's verdict brought equal individual awards to Igor Gorzkowski - for directing and Iwona Pasinska - for choreography of the Polish Dance Theater's performance "Kurka wodna albo urojenie". The artists-dancers of the Polish Dance Theater received a team award.

Polish Dance Theater also collaborates with Igor Gorzkowski on television theater productions. For "Another World" choreographed by Iwona Pasinska with the participation of artists-dancers of the Polish Dance Theater, Igor Gorzkowski was awarded the Stefan Treugutt Award for the creator of TV theater and the award for directing during the 20th Festival of Polish Radio Theater and Polish Television Theater "Two Theaters" in Zamosc(2021). The festival is an annual celebration of radio and television theatrical creativity, an important review and summary of the achievements of two great stages - the Polish Television Theater and the Polish Radio Theater.

"Judas of Carioth," written by Karol Hubert Roztworowski, premiered on the Television Theater on April 17, 2023.Written in 1912 by one of the most acclaimed Polish playwrights of the time, it depicts the events before the Last Supper from the perspective of Judas Iscariot (played by Lukasz Lewandowski).The show was produced in the basement of Zamosc's fortress. The play features PTT artists Julia Halka, Aleksandra Kuś, Sandra Szatan, Kacper Bożek, Patryk Jarczok, Zbigniew Kocięba, Mateusz Krzysiak and Dominik Kupka.


We sincerely congratulate you on the prestigious award, and at the same time announce that "Judas of Carioth" was not our last collaboration with Igor Gorzkowski.

Forthcoming soon...more details!

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