"Zielnik" by the Polish Dance Theater, directed by Iwona Pasinska, received the main prize in the "short dance film" category at the FASS Forward Film Festival in Canada. This is the second main award for a Polish Dance Theater production at the festival - the first was "Toporail," honored in 2021.

The FASS Forward Film Festival operates under the aegis of the Festival des Artes de Saint - Sauveur, which in its 31 years of existence in the province of Quebec has grown to become the largest regional host of dance presentations in Canada - in terms of the scale of the shows and the number of participants.

FASS Forward was established to promote short films from around the world in which dance is one of the means of expression. The judges of the competition are top Canadian filmmakers and dance artists, reflecting the festival's mission - to stimulate innovative connections between the world of dance and the world of film.

Recall that "The Herbarium" - a fairy-tale episode from the life of plants - has received 13 awards at festivals and competitions around the world since its premiere in 2021, including as many as four Audience Awards - at the Blois International Choreographic Festival (2022, France), Portland Dance Film Fest (2022, USA), Classical Arts Film Festival in Napa (2022, USA) and Moving Body Festival in Varna (2022, Bulgaria).

Let's remember that "The Herbarium" has also received the top prize at the festival.

Let's remember that "The Herbarium" is a dance film.

Also received the grand prize of the RIFF International Film Festival: R.E.D in Eina (2022, Norway), the Best Dance Short Film Award at the Door Kinetic Arts Festival in Baileys Harbor (2022, USA), the Grand Prize at the International Dance Film Festival in Jakarta (2022, Indonesia), best director award for Iwona Pasinska and honorable mention in the best dance film category at the XII Encuentro Para Cinéfagos (Festival de CineArte en la Frontera) in San Cristóbal (2022, Venezuela), and first prize at the VI Beirut International Women Film Festival in Lebanon.

Shimmering with all the colors of a painterly palette, the choreographic film project "Herbarium" can be viewed free of charge on VIMEO of the Polish Dance Theater.


Link to the film

More about the film and a full list of awards


More about the festival

photo by Andrzej Grabowski


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