1973-2018 PTT


Multiple perspectives on dance

In its 45th anniversary year, the Polish Dance Theater has prepared an interdisciplinary monograph, juxtaposing scientific and research reflection and artistic interpretation of the dance theater phenomenon.

The publication breaks with the traditional formula of an occasional publication, offering an extensive perspective on the perception of dance, going beyond the contemporary discourses touching this phenomenon. This is due to the authors of the texts, distinguished specialists who come from various artistic and research areas, from the humanities to the sciences. These include Prof. Dobrochna Ratajczakowa (theater studies), Prof. Honorata Jakubowska (sociology), Prof. Dorota Piontek (political science), Prof. Agnieszka Jelewska (media arts), Prof. Roman Kubicki (philosophy), Prof. Janusz Bałdyga (performance), Prof. Włodzisław Duch (physicist) and Prof. Zbigniew Kozub (composer). The use of various theoretical and interpretative tools has resulted in extremely different, often surprising approaches to the issue of dance, which can serve as a reference point for subsequent researchers. In addition, the bilingual volume (prepared in Polish and English), gained a unique editorial value - the whole publication took the form of a kinetic sculpture, referring in a symbolic way to the efforts of the Polish Dance Theater for its own space - "home for dance". Its graphic design is of equal value to the textual content. The graphic and kinetic design of the volume was also undertaken by Ryszard Bienert, graphic designer, winner of the European Design Awards in 2008 and 2010, who incorporated photographic material by Andrzej Grabowski, theater photographer, stage designer and portraitist, whose artistic photographs refer to the visual layer of the Polish Dance Theater's archival performances - scenography, costumes or props. The publication is supplemented by a list of premieres of the Polish Dance Theater and thanks to the Artists who have co-created its repertoire over the past 45 years.

The publication has been distributed to the National Library in Warsaw and the Jagiellonian Library in Krakow, as well as 13 university libraries throughout Poland, as well as the Raczynski Library and the Library of the Józef Tomasz Pokrzywniak Faculty of Polish and Classical Philology in Poznan, and the Ossoliński National Institute in Wroclaw. It also accompanies the Polish Dance Theater on its artistic journeys, contributing to the book collections of Polish institutions or the archives of our foreign partners, such as the International Theatre Forum TEART in Minsk and the China Shanghai International Arts Festival (CSIAF).


The publication received funding from the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage from the Fund for the Promotion of Culture and the Government of the Wielkopolska Region.

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