For the first time, the Polish Dance Theater was included in the program of the Marshal's Office of the Wielkopolska Region "Culture on the road"!

On May 10 at 10:30 a.m. in the Oborniki Cultural Center and on May 11 at 11:00 a.m. in the Oborniki Cultural Center and the Cultural Center and Library named after Powstańców Wielkopolskich in Opalenica, a performance by the Polish Dance Theater for najnajów entitled "InstynkTY" will be presented. "InstynkTY", directed by Alicja Morawska - Rubczak and choreographed by Monika Kiwak.

"Instincts" are a movement response to the question of what connects humans and animals. How do we build closeness, create home, search? Through movement, actions with objects, light, sound, we want to draw very young children and adults close to them into an interaction based on what connects (and at the same time nowadays distances so much) humans with the world of animals - INSTINCTS.

During the International Theater Festival for Children and Young People "Korczak Today" 2023, the Youth Jury awarded the play "InstynkTY" the Machulski Prize.

Remember that thanks to the program of the Marshal's Office of the Wielkopolska Region "Culture on the Road", artists of the scenes of Wielkopolska reach the remotest corners of the region with their art. The aim of the Program is to enrich the program offer of local cultural centers and expand the circle of recipients of Wielkopolska art institutions. In 2024, 37 tasks received support.

See you on the cultural routes of Wielkopolska!


More about the performance


More about the "Culture on the Road" program

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