On January 4, at 12:00 pm, we invite you to a press conference announcing the premiere of the performance - a gift, prepared by friends and fans of the Polish Dance Theater to celebrate the 50th anniversary season at PTT.

The premiere of the show is a birthday surprise for the Polish Dance Theater. More details will be revealed by its creators.

Who they are and how they relate to the jubilee, we will find out partly during the press conference and fully during the premiere of the performance, which will take place on January 6 at 2:03 pm, 5:02 pm and 8:01 pm at the headquarters of the Polish Dance Theater at 8 Taczaka Street in Poznań.

In accordance with the unwritten tradition of the Polish Dance Theater, the artists will present a fragment of the performance.


Representatives of the editorial staff are cordially invited to attend the event - if possible, please confirm your attendance, by January 2, 2024, 6 pm.

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