The premiere of another work by the award-winning duo Igor Gorzkowski - Iwona Pasinskaya and the Polish Dance Theater Company will take place soon - on November 16 at 8 pm in the Large Studio of the Polish Dance Theater.

It will be "Republic of Dreams" based on the short stories of Bruno Schulz.

The works of Bruno Schulz are a temptation and a challenge for theater artists. In his stories, the poetic word creates reality, constructing from fleeting dreamy visions a fascinating complete world, leaving little space for the living fabric of the performance.

The authors of "Republic of Dreams" debunk the myth of Schulz's prose as inaccessible to theater. They open it to all forms of theatrical materiality, changeable, fluid, subject to constant metamorphoses. They uncover the demiurgic qualities of Schulz's ambiguous metaphors - the power hidden in words to trigger associations, inspire action, and evoke movement. They interweave a variety of motifs taken from Schulz's narrative, as in oriental arabesques, from the interweaving of winding threads and ornaments building an extraordinary world, dense, lush and graspable by every sense.

We invite you to the space of the Hourglass Sanatorium, desolate and strange, in which time goes back one interval, and so anything can happen. In which the archetypal figure of the Father collides with the multiplied figure of Joseph-Son, building a whole range of relationships, from affirmation to negation. By the way, it's the "theater within a theater," in which a certain team is faced with acting and directing tasks.

Above all, we want to give an impulse to reflect on the extent to which theater - any theater - can be a "republic of dreams," a metaphor for reality.

Remember that Igor Gorzkowski, a director with versatile interests, from drama and opera theater to television and dance theater, together with Iwona Pasinska, choreographer and movement dramaturg, has already directed productions at the Polish Dance Theater: "Harvest," "Polka" and "Water Hen or Delusion." The latter work was awarded 3 prizes, among others for directing at the 46th Opole Theater Confrontations / VII Final of the Competition for the Staging of Old Works of Polish Literature "Classics Alive"(2022). The jury's verdict brought equal individual awards to Igor Gorzkowski - for directing and Iwona Pasinska - for choreography. The artists-dancers of the Polish Dance Theater received the team prize.


The awards also bring joint productions by Gorzkowski, Pasinska and the PTT team within the framework of television theater. For "Another World," choreographed by Iwona Pasinska with the participation of artists-dancers of the Polish Dance Theater, Igor Gorzkowski was honored with the Stefan Treugutt Award for the creator of TV theater and the award for directing during the 20th Festival of Polish Radio Theater and Polish Television Theater "Two Theaters" in Zamosc (2021). In June of this year, the TV theater production "Judas of Carioth," directed by Gorzkowski, with the participation of PTT artists-dancers, received the Grand Prix at the 22nd Festival of Polish Television and Polish Radio Theater in Zamosc "Two Theaters."

Two Theaters.

The premiere of the performance "Republic of Dreams" is part of the celebrations of the 50th anniversary season at the Polish Dance Theater, which will last until the end of June next year.


"Republic of Dreams" based on the short stories of Bruno Schulz


script and direction - IGOR GORZKOWSKI


choreography - IWONA PASIÑSKA


performance assistant - JERZY KAŹMIERCZAK












technical management - DARIUSZ SZYCH


stage management - KRZYSZTOF LUDWICZAK


production coordination - MAŁGORZATA MIKOŁAJCZAK








Jerzy Kazmierczak - Father


Julia Halka - Mother/Joseph from the story "Dodo"


Alexandra Kuś - Adela


Zbigniew Kocięba - Joseph from the short story "Sanatorium Under the Sign of the Hourglass"


Bartosz Dopytalski - Dodo/Jozef from the short story "Edzio"


Dominik Kupka - Doctor Gotard / Jerome / Joseph from the short story "Treatise on Mannequins or the Second Book of Genesis"


Momoko Den - Nurse


Sandra Satan - Perasia / Joseph from the short story "Birds" / Joseph from the short story "Street of Crocodiles"


Zofia Tomczyk - Rheticia / Joseph from the short story "Birds"


Kacper Bożek - Edzio / Joseph from the short story "Caracons" / Joseph from the short story "Treatise on Mannequins or the Second Book of Genesis"


Evelyn Blue - Bianca


Matthew Krzysiak - Joseph from the short story "Spring"


Premiere: November 16, 2023, Polish Dance Theater


Tickets, priced at PLN 120 and PLN 80, can be purchased at and at the Polish Dance Theater headquarters, Monday through Friday 10 a.m.-6 p.m.


Link to tickets


Following performances: November 17 and 18, 2023, 8 pm


Tickets, priced at PLN 90 and PLN 60, can be purchased at and at the Polish Dance Theater's headquarters, Monday through Friday 10 a.m.-6 p.m.


Link to tickets 17.11


Link to tickets 18.11


Spectacle in Polish with Ukrainian translation available.


Spectacle with no age restriction, suggested for audiences 14+



Organizer: Polish Dance Theater - a cultural institution of the Government of the Wielkopolska Region

Organizer: Polish Dance Theater - a cultural institution of the Government of the Wielkopolska Region


Supported by funds from the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage from the Fund for Promotion of Culture within the framework of the "Dance" program, implemented by the National Institute of Music and Dance, as well as from an earmarked grant from the Self-Government of the Wielkopolska Voivodeship.

Partners: the Polish Dance Theater - an institution of culture of the Wielkopolska Voivodeship

Partners: the Polish Dance Theater - an institution of culture of the Wielkopolska Voivodeship


Partners: the Association "Better World" x Oxfam, Wielkopolska Railways



Patrons of the 2023 /2024 anniversary season



Honorary patrons:


Piotr Gliński, Minister of Culture and National Heritage

Patrons of Honor.

Jacek Jaskowiak, Mayor of the City of Poznań


National Institute of Music and Dance



Media patrons:


TVP Culture



PRESTO Magazine - Music Film Art

PRESTO Magazine.


Media support:

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