The Polish Dance Theater is embarking on its second trip to Romania this season. This time to perform before the audience of the Oradea International Theatre Festival on June 7. (Oradea International Theater Festival).

At the invitation of the organizers, in the competition program we will present the performance "Romeos&Julias unplagued.Traumstadt" - a co-production with the bodytalk troupe from Münster - juxtaposing one of the most famous love stories with the contemporary experience of a pandemic.

Since its premiere at the Malta Festival Poznań 2021, "Romeos&Julias unplagued. Traumstadt" has been presented on numerous stages at home and abroad. Operating with a multi-sensory palette of means, the carnivalesque variation on the theme of universal human experiences - love and death - was repeatedly rewarded by audiences with standing ovations. This was the case after performances at the headquarters of the Polish Dance Theater in Poznań, as well as in Germany - at the Uferstudios in Berlin (2021), at the Asphalt Festival in Düsseldorf (2021) or the umPolen Festival in Münster (2022). The work was also recognized by the international jury of the 26th Shakespeare Festival (Gdansk, 2022), awarding it the Golden Yorick Award for the best Polish staging of William Shakespeare's dramatic works.

This time, the Polish Dance Theater will perform during the 8th edition of the Oradea International Theater Festival, organized by the Queen Marie Theatre from June 4-11, 2023. As the organizers announce, "this year's edition of the Oradea International Theater Festival aims to promote the culture of Bihor County, which transforms for a few days into an international center of culture, offering valuable talks, fruitful debates, unforgettable meetings and innovative ideas."

The Oradea International Theater Festival is one of the most important cultural events in Romania. It belongs to the EFA (Europa Festival Association) network - it has received the "EFFA LABEL 2019-2021 for Remarkable Art Festival" awarded to the most important critical festivals in Europe.

It is worth remembering that the Oradea International Theater Festival is one of the most important cultural events in Romania.

It is worth recalling that we have been regularly invited to collaborate with Romanian stages for several years. In 2022, at the invitation of Sibiu Ballet Theatre, we presented the performance "Let the living bury the dead," directed by Aleksandra Dziurosz and Tomasz Szczepanek, on the stage of Centrul Cultural Ion Besoiu. In 2019, we visited Teatrul de Ballet Sibiu with the performances "Harvest," directed by Igor Gorzkowski and choreographed by Iwona Pasinska, and "45," choreographed by Jacek Przybyłowicz.

We also had the pleasure of hosting Sibiu Ballet Theatre at our headquarters in Poznań, during the Third International Dance Theater Festival "Borders of Nature - Borders of Culture" with the performance "One way ticket" choreographed by Sandra Mavhima.

The Polish Dance Theater will perform in Oradea thanks to support from the "Ambassador of Culture" program, run by the Local Government of the Wielkopolska Region. This is a program that aims to develop contacts between artists from the Wielkopolska region and those from outside our country's borders.


Supported by funds from the Local Government of the Wielkopolska Region as part of the "Ambassador of Culture" program


Read about the performance "Romeos&Julias unplagued. Traumstadt"

Learn more about the Oradea International Theater Festival

The "Cultural Ambassador" program - learn more details

photograph by Andrzej Grabowski

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